"The 2N3391A is a powerful general purpose amplifier transistor with a mounting style of through hole and a TO-92-3 package. Its NPN polarity and single configuration make it easy to use, while its high collector-emitter and collector-base voltages, low emitter-base voltage, and maximum DC collector current capacity ensure reliable performance for a wide range of applications. With a gain bandwidth product of 120 MHz, the 2N3391A is a top choice for amplification needs."
"The 2N3391A is a powerful general purpose amplifier transistor with a mounting style of through hole and a TO-92-3 package. Its NPN polarity and single configuration make it easy to use, while its high collector-emitter and collector-base voltages, low emitter-base voltage, and maximum DC collector current capacity ensure reliable performance for a wide range of applications. With a gain bandwidth product of 120 MHz, the 2N3391A is a top choice for amplification needs."